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The Foundation that Yoga builds

I always thought of myself as a fairly athletic person, I was part of the school athletics team, I was running 50 and 100 meters dash, also 400 and 800 meters race. I also did long jumps and high jumps inter states tournaments. So I was fairy fit, I was fourteen. I thought. But my first yoga class? That was impossible. I struggled, dripped sweat all over my mat, and cursed inside my head. It was physically demanding, and I was too worried about my quivering thighs and that acrobatic person on my left to feel any sense of calm.

But during the last five minutes of class, when I was lying on my back in the final resting pose, I finally understood. Suddenly, my body relaxed. All the thoughts that were running through my head evaporated. Everything I had been fretting about disappeared. And I wondered: If I’m feeling this good after my very first try, what will happen if I keep coming back?

I went back to yoga the very next day, and the next day after that, I was hooked. I continued to experiment with different yoga styles and developed my own yoga practice. Over time that feeling I had at the end of my first class became more and more present in my daily life. And while that might sound all hippy-dippy, I promise you it’s not. Yoga is about feeling good and making all places in your life that seem dark, bright and light. This is what yoga has provided to me over the years, and it’s the reason I decided to become a yoga teacher

 I’ve been practicing yoga ever since. My students have met with me at small yoga studios, in hospitals and exclusive gyms. I’ve instructed corporate clients and hundreds of others on parks or at the beach. People of all shapes, sizes, and experience levels show up for my classes, and I lead them through a sequence of healthy, safe, mindful poses. 

Some of my students show up to become enlightened, or at least less stressed. Others practice yoga to fit into their skinny jeans. Regardless of why someone practices yoga, I make it my mission to impart everything I know in a fun and approachable way. Sometimes we rock out to Metallica. Other times we practice yoga in complete silence.
 Whether you want to learn the physical poses or you simply want to understand the yoga philosophy behind the practice, you will find it all in our Basic Yoga Classes. In the Basic Yoga class you’ll begin to build the foundation of own practice and I’m super excited to be your guide. As I say at the beginning of my classes, “This practice is all about you, so let’s explore how yoga can fit into your life.”