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Mobility, FRC®, and Strength Training

Functional movement and strength training are two key components of a well-rounded fitness regimen. They offer numerous benefits that contribute to overall health, physical performance, and injury prevention.

Functional movement refers to the ability to move the body in a coordinated and efficient manner during daily activities and sports. It focuses on training movement patterns that mimic real-life activities rather than isolated muscle groups. Training these movements helps you perform daily tasks more efficiently and with a reduced risk of injury. They also enhance balance and stability by engaging multiple muscle groups, which leads to improved proprioception (awareness of body position) and reduces the risk of falls and injuries, especially as you age. Not only that, functional movement training addresses imbalances and weaknesses, which can lead to better body mechanics and reduced injury risk. By focusing on natural movement patterns, you create a more resilient body that can withstand various physical stresses.

Strength training on the other hand involves resistance exercises designed to increase muscular strength and endurance. It’s a crucial aspect of overall fitness as it stimulates muscle growth and helps increase muscle mass. This not only contributes to a leaner appearance but also boosts metabolism, leading to more effective fat-burning. Weight-bearing exercises during strength training help promote bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. By building lean muscle mass, your insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism improves, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Strengthening the muscles around joints provides better support and stability, reducing the risk of injuries. Incorporating both functional movement and strength training into your fitness routine provides a comprehensive approach to physical well-being.

A balanced combination of these two components can help you move better, prevent injuries, achieve optimal body composition, and lead a healthier, more active lifestyle. As always, it’s important to consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or concerns of joint injuries and arthritis.